The pg_stream class
This is the class to use for issuing parameterized queries and
fetching result sets.
Public functions
pg_stream (const char* query, pg_cnx& db [, int prepare_mode])
Constructor. Creates a pgstream object to execute the SQL query
through the db connexion.
query is a SQL sentence that can contains parameters. Parameters
begin with a colon followed by a name (alphanumeric), optionally
followed by a type name enclosed in angle brackets.
pg_stream s("UPDATE words SET word=:txt<text> WHERE key=:i2", db);
prepare_mode tells if the query should be prepared prior to execution.
The values can be:
- 0: no prepare will be issued.
- 1: the query will be prepared.
- 2: the query will be prepared if the connexion's prepare_statements
option is set to true, otherwise it won't. That's the default behavior.
pg_stream (std::string query, pg_cnx& db [, int prepare_mode])
This is the same as the previous constructor except for the usage
of the std::string type for query. It is provided for convenience.
[virtual] ~pg_stream ()
Destructor. Deallocates the resources used by the object.
void prepare([bool prep=true])
Tell whether the query should be prepared or not (that overwrites the
effect of the prepare_mode parameter of the constructor).
Preparing a query in a pg_stream means that a SQL PREPARE statement
will be implicitly invoked prior to the first execution, so that the
server will keep track of the query and avoid to recompute the execution
plan for each execution. It makes sense for queries that are expected
to be executed many times.
When using prepared queries containing parameters, they should not be
passed inline (see the inline_parameters pg_cnx option), or the
performance will be degraded instead of enhanced.
void use_bind_variables([bool b=true])
Set up pg_stream to internally use bind variables (variables whose
values are passed to the database server outside of the SQL text) or
not. If not, the placeholders for variables in the SQL sentence are
replaced by their values inline. This overrides the pg_cnx's option
bind_variables. The function should be called before any
variable value is passed to the pg_stream object.
Note that either way, it is not necessary to quote the variable values,
the pg_stream code will implicitly do it when needed.
Passing input values
Each distinct variable in the query should have a value assigned to it
by using one of the following stream operators, in the order in which
the variables appear in the query. If a variable is referenced several
times in the query, the assignment of the value shouldn't be repeated.
Once values are assigned to all variables, the query is launched.
pg_stream& operator<<(const char* p)
Bind a C string to the next non-bound parameter (text sql
type guessed). A null pointer for
p is taken as a sql null value for the parameter. The caller must not
escape characters in the string (by calling PQescapeString), since
pgstream does it when it's necessary.
pg_stream& operator<<(std::string s)
Bind a C++ string to the next unbound parameter. (text
sql type guessed)
pg_stream& operator<<(int i)
Bind a signed integer to the next unbound parameter (integer
sql type guessed).
pg_stream& operator<<(unsigned int i)
Bind an unsigned integer to the next unbound parameter (integer
sql type guessed).
pg_stream& operator<<(bool b)
Bind a boolean to the next unbound parameter. (bool
sql type guessed).
pg_stream& operator<<(short i)
Bind a signed short integer to the next unbound parameter (smallint
sql type guessed).
pg_stream& operator<<(unsigned short i)
Bind an unsigned short integer to the next unbound parameter (smallint
sql type guessed).
pg_stream& operator<<(long i)
Bind a signed long integer to the next unbound parameter (integer
sql type guessed).
pg_stream& operator<<(unsigned long i)
Bind an unsigned long integer to the next unbound parameter (integer
sql type guessed).
pg_stream& operator<<(double d)
Bind a double to the next unbound parameter (numeric sql type guessed)
pg_stream& operator<<(long long i)
Bind a signed long long integer (typically, 64 bits wide) to the
next unbound parameter (bigint sql type guessed)
pg_stream& operator<<(unsigned long long i)
Bind an unsigned long long integer (typically, 64 bits wide) to the
next unbound parameter (bigint sql type guessed).
pg_stream& operator<<(pg_bytea& b)
Bind a pg_bytea object to the next unbound
parameter (bytea sql type guessed).
pg_stream& operator<<(sql_null n)
Bind a NULL value to the next unbound parameter (no sql type guessed)
Note: when not using inline parameters (see pg_cnx
inline_parameters option), a bind variable should be explicitly
typed within the sql query (typename given between angle brackets) if
a sql_null value is to be assigned to it through that function.
Failing to do so will cause an exception.
The reason behind that requirement is that, in this context, the
pg_stream code needs the exact type, but can't deduce
it since NULL is non-typed by nature.
Getting results
Query results can be loaded into host variables using the
stream output operators below.
The pg_stream code automatically steps to
the next row when all columns from a row have been read.
NULLs can be detected by calling val_is_null() immediately after
fetching a value. Such values will also be set to 0 for
numeric C++ types and the empty string for char* and string types.
- bool eos()
End of stream. Returns true when there are no more rows to read
in the result set, false otherwise.
- pg_stream& operator>>(short&)
Fetch the next column into a short integer.
- pg_stream& operator>>(unsigned short&)
Fetch the next column into an unsigned short integer.
- pg_stream& operator>>(int&)
Fetch the next column into an int.
- pg_stream& operator>>(unsigned int&)
Fetch the next column into an unsigned int.
- pg_stream& operator>>(char* p)
Fetch the next
column into a character buffer pointed to by p. The buffer must
have at least the size of the result (Better use std::string to avoid
buffer overflow problems).
- pg_stream& operator>>(std::string&)
Fetch the next column into a C++ string. Note that this operator
may also be used to retrieve result columns in their ASCII representation,
for columns that have a type that is not supported by pg_stream.
The programmer can then convert the std::string into whatever memory
representation is suitable for further use.
- pg_stream& operator>>(pg_bytea&)
Fetch the next column into a pg_bytea class.
- pg_stream& operator>>(double&)
Fetch the next column into a double variable.
- pg_stream& operator>>(bool&)
Fetch the next column into a bool variable.
Execution results
- int affected_rows() const
Returns the number of rows affected by queries like UPDATE or DELETE
that return no result sets.
In addition to these functions, any error will trigger a
pg_excpt. Code using pg_stream
should be placed inside
try {
catch(pg_excpt p) {
Implementation notes
Prepared statements generated by the pg_stream code are named
pgst_prep_ followed by an hexadecimal number. Thus such names
should be considered as reserved by the pgstream library, and not used
by the application code.
C++ int and long types are assumed to match the INT PostgreSQL type:
this is incorrect for compilers that have 64 bits wide integers. Using
out-of-line bind parameters with such compilers is currently not
supported by the pgstream library, unless the sql types are made explicit
in the queries. Also inline parameters should no be affected by this
OID types supported by the pgstream library through the PQExecParams
and PQExecPrepared libpq functions are: oid_int8,
. Other types are currently not supported.